#100 - 2506 Beacon Ave. | Sidney, BC V8L 1Y2, Canada 250-655-1722

Robert Bateman (Prints)

River Otter (Print)

Artist's page

Original Lithograph; Edition 290
15" x 38" / 38.10cm x 96.52cm
Unframed (US Dollar): $1,595.00

To purchase this, or any other work of art, please contact us by phone or email.

“I am fortunate enough to see otters like this proud fellow almost daily, scouting along the edge
of the cliff at the water’s edge in front of our island home, pausing now and then to sniff the air
with all the confidence of the lord of the estate.One of the reasons that I enjoy original printmaking
is the broad range of tone and texture the process allows. I am often reminded of the old masters,
particularly the rich and luminous etchings of Rembrandt. The big, dark shape slicing across
River Otter echoes the abrupt movement of otters themselves – a kind of a sleek and
rhythmic whip crack.”