#100 - 2506 Beacon Ave. | Sidney, BC V8L 1Y2, Canada 250-655-1722

Michael Binkley

Charm III (Original Art)

Artist's page

Portro Maccia Marble, Granite Base
11" x 4" x 5" / 27.94cm x 10.16cm x 12.70cm

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This variety of marble is quarried near La Spezia on the west coast of Italy. It is the only known source for this type of stone. The supply of stone is getting smaller, so it is becoming more and more rare. The English translation for portoro maccia is “carrying stain” and pertains to the yellow gold striations that flow through the black background and resembles flames of fire. The stone has been used for centuries as a symbol of wealth and power. Ancient Roman villas had columns of this stone. Fireplace facings, bank counters, make-up console surfaces and even executive pen set bases have been made from this stone. I have created a generously proportioned female torso that is meant to bring a smile to your face, as you enjoy the beautiful material and the sensuous curves.