#100 - 2506 Beacon Ave. | Sidney, BC V8L 1Y2, Canada 250-655-1722

Gail Sibley

All Eyes (Blurred Boundaries #6) (Original Art)

Artist's page

24" x 18" / 60.96cm x 45.72cm

To purchase this, or any other work of art, please contact us by phone or email.

Blurring Boundaries series

The challenge I set myself with this series was to create works with a female nude holding a shawl as the central subject then to blur the line between figure and background. With these paintings, I was interested in layering and mark-making, in growing the painting without holding back or being timid or being afraid of making a mistake. This took some courage!

Each painting evolved from the next. I repeated the figure’s pose so as to explore changes in circumstance ie. colour, placement, background environment.

Because of my focus on process in these works, the titles reflect process (form) rather than story (content). What’s going on? That I leave that up to the viewer.